Another gem from Lists of Note, the sister site of Letters of Note which I have publicised on this sit quite a bit. Like Letters of Note, you can subscribe to receive email updates.
Today's List of Note concerns the late great Stanley Kubrick. Over a working relationship lasting 34 years, Kubrick and his personal assistant Tony Frewin came up with an ever-increasing list of titles of potential films. Frewin entertained the possibility of setting up an agency to sell them to the Hollywood studios.
The whole list can be found here, and contains gems such as Sight Gags for Perverts and Only Ministers of the Third Reich May Use Green Ink.
On a vaguely similar note, every year The AV Club publishes its list of the worst band names. Here's the 2007 list to get you started - I defy you to say the words 'Count Dracula's Weed Smuggling Jam Engine' without grinning.
Today's List of Note concerns the late great Stanley Kubrick. Over a working relationship lasting 34 years, Kubrick and his personal assistant Tony Frewin came up with an ever-increasing list of titles of potential films. Frewin entertained the possibility of setting up an agency to sell them to the Hollywood studios.
On a vaguely similar note, every year The AV Club publishes its list of the worst band names. Here's the 2007 list to get you started - I defy you to say the words 'Count Dracula's Weed Smuggling Jam Engine' without grinning.
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