WHATCULTURE!: Disney Buys Star Wars

It's been a little while since I've contributed anything to WhatCulture!, but I'm hoping to rectify this with a few more articles in the coming weeks. And what better way to end my little break than with a story that has rocked the film-making world.
Rather than approach the Disney/ Star Wars issue from a narrative perspective (i.e. worrying about new stories and continuity), I've decided to look at the acquisition from an industrial point of view. And on that front, it's not good news for anyone. Regardless of whether or not you like Star Wars, I believe that Disney's takeover could have dire consequences for us all.

You can read my full article here. Be sure to check out my Star Wars reviews here and contribute your suggestions for the drinking game here. My last Star Wars review, of Return of the Jedi, should be finished within the next few days.

