LETTERS OF NOTE: The Name's Hitch, I Mean Bond

Alfred Hitchcock keeps cropping up on this blog, just as he does in the landscape of modern cinema. Today's Letter of Note is akin to one of Hitchcock's on-screen cameos - part whimsical, part inconsequential and always interesting.

In 1959 Ian Fleming was developing a treatment for the first adaptation of his James Bond series. He cabled his friend and fellow novelist Eric Ambler, to see whether his friend Hitch would be interested in directing what would eventually become Thunderball. Hitchcock, who was revelling in the critical and commercial success of North by Northwest, promptly turned them both down and went off to make Psycho instead.

You can find the full text of Fleming's telegram to Hitchcock here. And while you're at it, why not check out my review of Vertigo if you haven't already?

